Thanks to the experiences that many travelers shared on, the new platform for social traveling, during its two first months of life, we can finally discover what's the ranking of Italy's Top Destinations, by now!
The parameters on which the chart is based? The beauty of the places first of all, but also the fun activities you can do and the nightlife, how much safe is staying there and how cheap for a tourist and, of course, talking about Italy, the quality of the food!
What do you expect to see in first position? One of the amazing mediterranean beach places of south Italy? Or one of the gorgeous art cities envied all over the world? Or maybe a charming mountain resort of the Alps...
It may be really unexpected, but it's only a partial chart that you can improve with your votes.
Let's explore it from the bottom:
9) Florence: score 7,93
At ninth position we find a classic for all tourists coming to Italy. Favored by its undoubted beauty, whose score is 9,14, but penalized by its expensiveness.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Florence: enjoy the enormous cultural offer of the city walking through the center and enjoy the italian cuisine in one of the many typical little restaurants. Must see the Ponte Vecchio and the Cupola of the Basilica.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Florence: enjoy the enormous cultural offer of the city walking through the center and enjoy the italian cuisine in one of the many typical little restaurants. Must see the Ponte Vecchio and the Cupola of the Basilica.
What Gadders says: City of inestimable historical and cultural value, Florence is also one of the most distinctive and enjoyable places in Italy and has maintained the strong imprint of the small late-medieval center that contributed so much to the cultural and political development of Europe. Unfortunately the city can be transformed easily into a tourist trap, as in high season come each day up to 2000 coachs load of visitors. While... (Read more in this Blog Post)
7) Bologna and Verona: score 8,08
At seventh and eighth position with the same score other two art cities, smaller than Florence, but not less fascinating.
Curiously they have opposite strengths. In fact, romantic Verona is favored by its very appreciated beauty, whose score is 9,25, and penalized only by the nightlife with a score of 7. Bologna instead succeed with fun and nightlife, scoring 9, while is penalized by the beauty, whose score is only 6,5.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Bologna: sit in the outdoor areas of the cafés in the numerous squares where you can chill all day and night.

What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Bologna: sit in the outdoor areas of the cafés in the numerous squares where you can chill all day and night.

What Gadders says: Bologna the learned, the fat and the turreted. These are the three names that better than any other definition describe the peculiarities of the city of Bologna. Home of the oldest university in Europe, Alma Mater Studiorum, founded in 1088, emblem of the culinary traditions of the region of Emilia and ancient center of the Middle Ages, with... (Read more in this Blog Post)
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Verona: organize a day trip to visit Giulietta's house and the other attractions and make a romantic walk along the river.
What Gadders says: Verona is known as the Little Rome because of its importance for the Roman Empire. But the golden age of the city was during the thirteenth and fourteenth century, under the reign of the colorful and unstable family Della Scala (Scaligeri). This period is in fact known for feuds between families to which Shakespeare alludes in his tragedy Romeo and Juliet, set here. Today...
5) Chianti and Milan: score 8,17
In fifth position there's the highest "Nature" destination of the ranking: the rolling hills of Tuscany's countryside known as Chianti, the place considered all over the world as the best landscape in Italy.
In fact, it scores 10 in beauty, food and fun, but it gets as low as 3 in Nightlife. Not surprising as the biggest village of the area counts less than 15.000 inhabitants.

What Gadders says: Chianti, the area of rolling hills stretching between Florence and Siena, Arezzo and the hills of Pisa, has long been considered the “heart of Tuscany”, probably one of the most beautiful countryside places in Italy. Its splendid landscape is dotted with dense vineyards, chestnut forests, oaks and maples, attractive medieval villages, romantic castles and charming colonial farmhouses, that... (Read more in this Blog Post)
With same score, Milan is favored by its very loved nightlife, scoring 9,67, but again, like Florence, is penalized by the expensiveness that characterizes all the big cities, whose score in this case is 6,33
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Milan: perfect location to have fun in areas like Navigli and Colonne, to go shopping and also to travel to nearby cities and, for F1 lovers, to the Monza circuit.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Milan: perfect location to have fun in areas like Navigli and Colonne, to go shopping and also to travel to nearby cities and, for F1 lovers, to the Monza circuit.
What Gadders says: Tourists choose it for fashion, opera, the cathedral, the castle and the fresco of the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, but Milan is mainly the Italian capital of business and finance. The shops are so many, the restaurants delicious and the nightlife very lively. The main historic attractions are all located nearby the two most famous monuments of the city: the imposing Duomo, the fourth largest church in Europe and... (Read more in this Blog Post)
4) Amalfi 8,22
At fourth position we finally find a beach place, but not one like the others. Amalfi, main village of the renowned Amalfi coast, has its undisputed strength in its beauty and food, scoring 10, while its weakness is the nightlife with a score of 5,67. It's definitely a place for relax and exploring.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Amalfi: visit every corner of this surprisingly beautiful place and absolutely try a lemon ice-cream.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Amalfi: visit every corner of this surprisingly beautiful place and absolutely try a lemon ice-cream.
What Gadders says: Located in the heart of the Amalfi Coast, land in which the mountain falls steeply into the sea, creating charming coves, deep fjords, headlands, bays, natural arches and small pebble beaches, Amalfi has been declared UNESCO World Heritage Site for its undisputed beauty and uniqueness of its natural landscape. The origins... (Read more in this Blog Post)
3) Salerno 8,42
We finally get to the podium where on the lower step we find the highest ranked city of Italy. The main quality of Salerno is food, with a score of 9,5, but is considered a not so safe place, scoring 7.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Salerno: live the authentic italian "Dolce Vita" in town and go discover the gorgeous surrounding beach resorts.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Salerno: live the authentic italian "Dolce Vita" in town and go discover the gorgeous surrounding beach resorts.
What Gadders says: Dominated by the Longobard Castle of Arechis and overlooking a beautiful bay, Salerno is a city with great potential, although outside the traditional tourist circuits. Its charming old town, good food and the proximity to the natural wonder that is the Amalfi coast, but also the archaeological site of Paestum and the Cilento, are the strengths of a city which...
1) Ischia and Positano 8,50
With no suspense, we have to reveal that second and first position are shared by other two beach locations. Positano on the Amalfi coast and Ischia, biggest island of the gulf of Naples, complete a podium entirely occupied by Campania region's sunny destinations.
Both of them get 10 for beauty (Ischia gets 10 also for food), but are considered quite expensive, scoring 7 for money.
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Positano: go there by car to enjoy the spectacular view from the road, above all at sunset, then go walking and shopping through the tiny streets.

What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Positano: go there by car to enjoy the spectacular view from the road, above all at sunset, then go walking and shopping through the tiny streets.

What Gadders says: Located in the heart of the Amalfi Coast, land in which the mountain falls steeply into the sea, creating charming coves, deep fjords, headlands, bays, natural arches and small pebble beaches, declared UNESCO World Heritage Site for its undisputed beauty and uniqueness of its natural landscape, Positano is a pearl of Italy, nestled in a corner of paradise between... (Read more in this Blog Post)
What Gadders Travelers suggest to do in Ischia: enjoy the wonderful sea, relaxing with pleasant massages in its hot thermal waters.

What Gadders says: The volcanic outcrop of Ischia is the most developed and largest of the islands in the Bay of Naples. It is an intriguing concoction of sprawling spa towns, buried necropolises, rheumatic Germans and spectacular scenery, with forests, vineyards and picturesque small towns. Ischia only attracts a fraction of the day trippers that head for Capri from Naples in the summer. Perhaps...
So, do you agree with this ranking or do you think that some destinations deserve more?
Stay tuned, waiting for the next ranking update!
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